Manual cleaning + disinfection of surfaces
Check mixing units: is the right product being transported?
In the event that application solutions that have been started are still in bottles, for example, dispose of the solution and start a new one.
All bottles which come into contact with food should be cleaned and disinfected before commissioning.
For more information, see also the article in the Update > S. 6: Disinfection cleaning and rapid disinfection of surfaces in the food industry and in professional kitchens.

Dr. Weigert offers the following products for thorough bottle disinfection:
All Dr. Weigert disinfectants have at least limited virucidal effect. Use disinfectants with caution. Always read the label and product information before use.
Goal of disinfection measures > break the chain of transmission!!!
You should also think about surfaces with which people come into contact regularly which previously sometimes did not get cleaned and disinfected or not with the same frequency: in the kitchen, the storage room for cleaning products and disinfectants, the toilets, the common / break rooms and the canteen / guest rooms, this may include the following surfaces for example:
door handles/openers, touch surfaces, handrails, sliders, dispenser handles/buttons, switches, control elements, ice scoops, handles of fridges and freezers, handles on cupboards, surfaces on cleaning utensils, sink fittings, surfaces on coffee machines and drinks machines/drinks stations, bin contact surfaces, tables, seats/seat area, salad bar etc.
You can find information about cleaning and disinfection in Dr. Weigert info.

Note the application times for the products. With a combination of cleaning and disinfection, once the application time has elapsed the surfaces which come into contact with food must be thoroughly rinsed with water which is at least of drinking water quality. Note the material compatibility of the products being used. Use disinfectants with caution. Always read the label and product information before use.